I know studying is sooooo boring to me .but you ? Please dont give up .I know you can do it :) and seriusshit yesterday Im just joking you la babe -.- Sumpah you marah I sangat-sangat kay .and I terasa and Im still nak mintak maaf dekat you sbb I ckp mcm tu dkt you .Yah , I know my wrong say like that to you .sorry ! Watlek la , ade masa lagi you nk belajar .you cepat putus asa la , entah2 kakak you nak uji you .haa ? parents you kn skrg nk bergantung dkt you and you kne la faham .chill la kay .and I hope you tak marah I lg .you ni garang la takut I haha :D

Kay , Wish you study hard .be strong .dont give up .smile .chill .happy .enjoy .everyday going to school .love your friends and bf :p hehe and listen your parents :) byee and take care .